This Wednesd
ay turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day. Early on I helped Roy with a few projects around the park that were easier to do if two of us worked together. When I returned to the motor home, Foxy was ready and we jumped in the car and headed out of town with a brief detour for a doughnut and a sausage kalachi. We drove to Fredericksburg and then
made a circle from there that took us by Enchanted Rock. It was rather dry landscape getting to the Rock but much more rain had fallen after and the wild flowers were everywhere to be seen and enjoyed.
We particularly enjoy the Texas Blue Bonnets and they were along the roadway for miles and miles. There were splashes of red, white, pink and yellow flowers all mixed together and simply beautiful.
From the Enchanted Rock route we drove a bit southward and then took another loop call
ed the Willow City Loop which essentially is a private road through rugged ranch country with high hills, meandering streams that frequently cross the roadway and spectacular scenery. The wild flowers were everywhere blanketing the roadsides and fields as far as the eye could see. We stopped frequently to take pictures and just enjoy the sights.
All too soon we were back in Fredericksburg and as our biker friends had suggested drove a bit East and then turned South on Old San Antonio Road to drive to
The Old Tunnel Bat Cave. Of course the real attraction was the Alamo Springs Cafe that our biker friends had discovered that serve the third best hamburgers in Texas. So did we go to the Bat Cave? Of course not as we had to visit and sample the menu at the Cafe. An hour later we waddled out of the cafe having tried their famous hamburgers on a Jalapeno Cheese Bun with half orders of fries and onion rings. The proprietor of the cafe, Mike, stopped and visited about his food offerings and where he got ideas for food on the menu and was thoroughly delightful.
A few more miles further South and we returned to Kerrville on I 10. Altogether a lovely day. Only one thing could have made it more memorable and that was to share a meal with Ron and Julie as we said good by to another winter couple Dick and Linda who leave tomorrow to return home to Michigan. Ron and Julie cooked a wonderful dinner of pork and sauerkraut, carrots, potatoes that was enjoyed by the six of us. We have enjoyed the friendships we make here and will miss them but intend to keep in touch by email until they return next winter. Happy Travels.
From the Enchanted Rock route we drove a bit southward and then took another loop call
All too soon we were back in Fredericksburg and as our biker friends had suggested drove a bit East and then turned South on Old San Antonio Road to drive to
A few more miles further South and we returned to Kerrville on I 10. Altogether a lovely day. Only one thing could have made it more memorable and that was to share a meal with Ron and Julie as we said good by to another winter couple Dick and Linda who leave tomorrow to return home to Michigan. Ron and Julie cooked a wonderful dinner of pork and sauerkraut, carrots, potatoes that was enjoyed by the six of us. We have enjoyed the friendships we make here and will miss them but intend to keep in touch by email until they return next winter. Happy Travels.