Friday, January 14, 2011

The King's Speech

We did get to go to a movie and lunch out. We had lunch at Macaroni Grill and enjoyed it thoroughly. Then we headed next door to the movie. We had decided to see The King's Speech. If you are a history buff then you know that Queen Elizabeth II's father stuttered, and consequently it was difficult for him to give a speech. This really did not matter except that his brother David, who succeeded their father, was carrying on with Wallace Simpson, a twice- divorced American, and she was not acceptable to the British government as a wife for the new king. David was forced to abdicate in favor of his brother, who thus became King George VI around 1937. His stuttering problem had caused him to seek help from many sources but with little success. How he finally overcame this stuttering is the focus of this wonderful movie. We think it will get some honors like The Golden Globe or an Academy Award. If you have not seen this movie, I recommend you do so. Happy travels.

1 comment:

sperlonga said...

I went and saw it last night. Loved it!!