The first full week in October is the date for the annual Albuquerque B

alloon Festival. There are hundreds and hundreds of colorful balloons in the skies with times set aside for mass
ascensions and balloon glows followed by fireworks. There are great prizes for the pilots such as a new car if they can gra

b the keys while flying their balloons. You have to get up early in the morning, since that is the time when the winds are the lowest and the temperatures the coolest, with the balloons setting off at day break. Albuquerque is also the home of "the box," which is a unique climate condition where the air flows one way at one altitude and the opposite direction at a different elevation. This gives great flying conditions for the pilots.

Jerry and Marlene live up close to the mountains, and we are treated to balloons flying that can easily be seen from their house. As we left the motor home to walk over to Jerry's house, we were treated to the sight of many balloon flying by. If you ever get a chance to see hot air balloons, do so. Albuquerque is the capi

tal of it all. We had not seen this wonderful celebration for several years and are delighted to be in the area at this time. Happy travels.
1 comment:
Wow! That one photo looks like a party!
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