Christmas Day dawned cold and we had promised Michelle that w
e would be up and over to their house by 7:00 am. So at 6:30 we were up and getting dressed and on the dot walked over to be greeted by a spectacular sun rise. The sun shown through the clouds like a king's crown and seemed so appropriate on this day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. We had to get everyone out to see the sunrise and we have pictures to share here.
Jerry was making breakfast of bacon and eggs and Marlene had coffee and a breakfast tree made of rolls. The children were coerced to eat and then we clea
ned up and trooped into the living room and sat around the tree and began to open the presents. Andy was the designated elf but had lots of help f
rom Michelle and Kait. Finally, in a generally orderly way, we had oohs and ahs and had great fun opening this and that. Scott was pleased with clothes and cookies but especially with a video tape player and a large box of older tapes to play.

In the late morning Kim and Chuck and boys came by and we repeated the process much to the delight of all. Having three kids and spouses and five grands all under one roof was the best treat of all for us.
Later good friends Brenda and Richard came by to exchange presents and then we b
egan the final preparations of the Christmas feast. Traditionally we have a standing rib roast, gravy, Yorkshire pudding, mashed potatoes and green beans. As usual the 'Yorkies' got the oven to smoking and we had to open a window or two to let the smoke out but no one really cared. The feast was wonderful and later on we had many deserts to choose from. All in all it was just lovely. A happy day to spend with friends and family. Happy travels.

Jerry was making breakfast of bacon and eggs and Marlene had coffee and a breakfast tree made of rolls. The children were coerced to eat and then we clea

In the late morning Kim and Chuck and boys came by and we repeated the process much to the delight of all. Having three kids and spouses and five grands all under one roof was the best treat of all for us.
Later good friends Brenda and Richard came by to exchange presents and then we b

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