We really enjoyed the dance. We shared a table with Linda and Darrell who were
work campers here last year. They are very funny people and great to be around. We also sat with Byron and Hollis for awhile, but she had sold many tickets to people in her neighborhood and needed to be with them and later on moved to the next table. HW2 helped set the whole thing up, including cooking and finally serving the dessert. When she could leave, we four went for food. Once that was done, I lef
t for awhile to give Max a break, and then we got into the dance. It was mostly country/western and being a live band seemed to be loud, but we ignored all of that and just had fun. 

I am not a good dancer, but I try, and HW2 puts up with my efforts. The best one for me is the slow dance and the box step. We tried some faster dances and doing spins, etc., but mostly ended up just laughing. At one point the floor was quite crowded and it got to be bumper cars more than dancing. At the end of the evening we helped clean up and then went home quite pleased with a good dinner and fun with friends. The other pictures are of Dotti and Duane and Jeanne and Don, the park owner/manager. Happy travels.
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