I received a comment on this blog from a reader in Russia who is interested in old age. I do not think of myself as old, at least not THAT OLD. I know when I was 22 years of age that anyone over 35 was old, I thought. So I can understand why this young man living in Russia knows that I am old. I think that having a living parent who is almost 98 keeps me thinking I am still not that old. I do believe it is a matter of attitude.
We have good f
riends, Ron and Julie who are quite young being, only in their fifties and somehow retired already. How fortunate they are and that they love to travel. When we are together any seeming age difference disappears. That was an interesting lesson I learned when I became an adult, that any age difference means little. Itreally is an attitude. If you think you are old, then you are. If you fe
el ageless, then you are. I love relating to people of all ages, especially children and most especially grandchildren. I include any great grandchildren in this general category.
Do I have any advice to someone who is getting older? Of course! Keep your options open, experience new things often, and learn something each day. Thank your maker for each day, and look forward to tomorrow. Sergey, to you I say, "Explore your world and learn how others live theirs. The whole world is open to you in this day of the internet. Enjoy life!" Happy travels.
We have good f

Do I have any advice to someone who is getting older? Of course! Keep your options open, experience new things often, and learn something each day. Thank your maker for each day, and look forward to tomorrow. Sergey, to you I say, "Explore your world and learn how others live theirs. The whole world is open to you in this day of the internet. Enjoy life!" Happy travels.
Sorry if offended you, I do not want to. Most people who like to be 60-70 years and to communicate with the young. They feel younger children, with boys and girls. When I was at university I saw a very elderly people taught it was because they needed to communicate with the young. I have friends your age (your age I can determine only approximately), they enjoy life and appreciate every day. Every day is important. Reading your blog I wonder world of Americans, I am interested thinking. Many Americans, at your age have the financial ability to travel and enjoy life. Reading your blog I see a quiet American happiness and prosperity.
When friends are together, I never think about difference in our ages ... I always seem to think we're all the same age. We're in AZ with our friends, Ed and Mary. Ed went to school with my dad, so is 77 years old. I never think about him being any older than us ... til he starts telling me stories about him and dad in high school!!
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