Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Busy days

I have not taken the time to write lately, and we seem to have been quite busy. Either we are working our four days per week or trying to get our errands and any catch-up house work done when we are off. The work has kept us quite busy. There are three pools to be cleaned. We must check to see who has left or arrived and then during the day take any new arrivals to their location. This might not seem like much, but some days we have 40 or more rigs that arrive and as many as 100 leaving. Then if we get time, it is maintaince stuff and lawn mowing and weed whacking. By the end of the day this old guy is usually quite tired. HW2 has to answer the phone, which always seems to be ringing, to take care of the customers who want things from our store, to get newcomers settled in their location, and finally at the end of the day to make sure her accounts balance. This is in addition to figuring out how the computer system works.

Friday nights the owner manager of the park likes to have a party at the River Rock Saloon and provides free food and reduced prices on beer and wine. While this is great fun, we have to be at work the next day and can't overdo the partying. On Saturday and Sunday it is just two couples working, which means that we really get run around depending upon how many people arrive or depart.

When working, Max is in his crate and gets brief morning and afternoon potty breaks and then long walks before and after work. He is getting better at learning to be a dog and today gets his first haircut. This should prove to be a challenge for the groomer. She may not want to ever try to do him again. Since this is a day off for us, we then will do exciting errands and maybe get me a haircut as well. Breakfast out should be a treat, too. Happy travels.

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