to Lake Michigan. This is apparently an annual trek for them. We got there after winding our way around the woods looking at deer and looking for ghost towns. Apparently after logging was completed in the area and the logging company moved on to the next site, then the houses were deserted as well and created ghost towns. We did see one abandoned house; however, someone had mowed the grass. Figure that one??????

When we finally arrived to the beach, we met friends David and Sandy and their two kids, Noah and Sophia, who had already started a camp fire. We settled in with our blankets, chairs, extra wood, and supplies for S'mores. Chuck had brought his new (birthday present from Kim) telescope and set it up for all to view the wonders of the sky. As soon as it darkened enough, we could see a planet with our eyes, and when viewed through the telescope it was spectacular. We could not only see Jupiter but also four of its many moons. Now that was really cool! Scattered clouds came and went and kept the viewing down to only a few stars and planets, but we could

I had to kid HW2 a bit, as she kept seeing moving lights in the sky, which later on turned out not to be moving. I told her that her astigmatisms were at work. She punched me on the arm.
For all of you who love campfires, you would have been in heaven. By the time we were ready, the coals were perfect for S'mores and enjoyed by all present. I don't think HW2 or I had had them in years and shall probably wait a few more before we have them again. The four kids screamed and chased, got wet in the surf, and built sand castles. Satiated with S'mores, they settled down by the fire asking Dave, "Turn up the light." Dave obliged and put more wood on the fire. We never got around to telling stories around the campfire but that c

Finally we headed home about 12:30 this morning, and two little boys were quickly asleep. We slept in this morning!!!!!!
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