People stopped to talk. One woman had a hard time figuring out what was happening, and her daughter explained about the contest. Some park employees thought that the display was perfect. We checked out other decorations throughout the park and shall see who wins the contest.
Today there is the contest entering and voting parts, and then tonight, THE RESULTS! I fully expect HW2 to secure a convertible with loud speakers and take a drive throughout the park encouraging all to view and vote. The suspense grows minute by minute. WHO WILL WIN?
Best of all, NO PRESENTS HAD TO BE BOUGHT! Although we do have a few presents bought and put away, in case they are needed. It has been fun, and I will try to keep you informed of the results.
A neighbor informed us that we won second place in the contest. This is unconfirmed at this time. HW2 thinks we are, "Celebrities!" NOT!!! Indeed we did take second place and won prizes of two free nights of camping here within the next year, box of candy cane mints, and a small sign telling of Christmas in July. What fun. We congratulated several of the other winners and most certainly had fun. Now next year............................
eagerly awaiting sandcastle AND Christmas in July results... :-)
There were no declared winners of the sand castle contest since the entry seemed more like a volcano.
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