Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday morning

We woke up in the middle of the night to our car making beeping noises. To stop the noise, I finally opened the locks on the doors, and quiet ensued. I wondered at the time if the car was lonely or just had been pushed or brushed against. I will never know.

We had Kim, Chuck, and boys over for Cornell chicken, potato salad, green beans, and finished the cherry pie, last night. The time went very quickly, and we of course talked the whole time trying to catch up with their trip to Alaska and our trip to Greece and Turkey. The boys ended the evening watching Ratatouille and when they went home for an early night to put the boys in bed, we finished watching that cute movie.

It is so quiet here in the morning. I treasure the peace. We do seem to have a young chipmunk living nearby who is really not a bit afraid of us. I can hear the birds sing and wonder which ones. This is a place where we saw a Pileated Woodpecker four years ago. What a treat! I think that I saw a bald eagle on the way here and maybe will get to see one fishing the lakes.

Enjoy your Sunday.

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