Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tonight - The Youth World Symphony

Tonight the Youth World Symphony will play a concert here. Kim tells us that these high school students are incredibly talented and when they play, you are hearing a world class symphony playing. She can get tickets as part of her job and we hope to be able to go hear them. The program includes Beethoven and Stravinsky among others, so should be good.

As if that wasn't enough, there is an art fair downtown today. Next weekend is their annual cherry festival and this area produces more cherries that the rest of the world combined, so this is a big thing. Yesterday we bought a bag of chocolate covered cherries and although the bag is getting quickly emptied, we were somehow full. I had so many cherries that there was little room for dinner last night. I wonder how chocolate covered cherries would be for breakfast. This blog may have to wait while I experiment...........

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