Saturday, September 13, 2008

House Elves Are We

For the last four days we have been working hard to help Chris and Traci move into their home. The moving truck and three helpers were there for the first two days. They carried in stuff, and Traci directed them in the placement. This was a full time job in itself. HW2, Traci, and I also unpacked kitchen boxes as they arrived and put things away so that the kitchen would be a workable room. Unfortunately, in her previous home, Traci had a large closet for kitchen storage, and this was not to be in her current home. Lots of items had to be stored in the basement or set aside for a rummage or garage sale. Gradually the boxes were emptied, and the kitchen cabinets filled and arranged by HW2 and with Traci's advice.

On the third day we tackled the many boxes that had been taken to the basement. All had to be investigated since the labeling was not always accurate. We made piles of toys, Christmas decorations, clothes, office things, things to go to the garage, etc. It was a hot job. All empty boxes were taken to the porch and stashed there for later pickup by the moving company.

Today HW2 got Tyler's room unpacked, organized, and clothes sorted. This job took the entire morning. I helped with this project and also lugged boxes down to the porch and put up several stained glass pieces that we had given them yesterday evening. So many of their windows are now a bit more colorful.

Brittani is a Harry Potter fan and has read the seven books in the series many times and enjoyed all the pictures as they have been released. She labeled us the "house elves," because she could see how hard we were working to help her folks.
After a treat of lunch at Fred's, we made our goodbyes to all and started to get the motor home and car ready for travel in the morning. It has been a good week here, and the Spirit leads on but leaves a family in the middle of unpacking but in a livable house while they complete their move to Wisconsin. We wish them every good thought as they settle in to Burlington, WI. Happy travels!

1 comment:

K said...

so, then, where might you be headed next...? :-)