Friday, September 12, 2008

Moving Daze

For the last two days we have been helping Chris and Traci unpack as the movers brought box after box into their home. It took the movers two days to unload the truck and will take C & T many more to get unpacked and to arrange things to fit the house. Mainly we concentrated on the kitchen and getting beds put together so that everyone had a place to sleep. On the first day few boxes for the kitchen appeared, as apparently they were packed into the front of the truck; but yesterday, day two, they began to appear in great numbers. C & T had a large pantry in their previous home, and so more stuff arrived than there was room to put it in. HW2 was a fighter and carried on and on, looking and fixing places to locate all the kitchen items. How she laughed when Brittani came home from school, looked for something to eat, and said, "You need to spread this stuff out more." I am sure as they eat through their food stuffs they will gradually get more room and can spread stuff out somewhat. Brittani, start eating!

Brittani is in charge of fund raising for a club at her new school, and they will be having a rummage sale soon. Traci commented, "I think I can be a big help to you there." We had been sorting and taking things to the basement when there was not enough room. Taking things to the basement was my job.

By mid-afternoon of day two, we sat down in the living room on empty couches and just looked at each other. We were exhausted but happy to generally have completed the kitchen area. There were lots of left-over food for their dinner, and HW2 and I drove back to the motor home for showers, snacks, TV, and bed. While it was hard work for two days, we feel we really did help out. Traci said, "If I had had to face the kitchen area alone, I would have gone crazy." I guess we helped keep her sane.

Today will bring more unpacking, but not at quite the frantic pace of the first two days. So far, nothing arrived broken. A great packing and moving job by the movers.

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