Monday, October 13, 2008

It Is Getting Colder Here

We woke up this morning to temperatures in the 40's. It is about time for us to leave this lovely place, but we are not quite done here. We still plan to visit with two more friends, and we have a dinner with several administrators that HW1 used to work with at Valley High School. Andy's birthday is this week, and so we must do these things before we leave.

Jerry helped us make some changes to the trailer that we use to haul the car when we are traveling. These changes should make it a bit more difficult for someone to steal. He had one taken right out of the yard and has learned this lesson the hard way. So now we have a cable intertwined between the wheels and a ball lock cover so that it is not so easy to just hitch up and drag it away. The trailer also got a coat of paint to help slow down the wear and tear on the wood floor.

Anne, you will be happy to know that Jerry's family now can play Pitch, too. We taught them last night, and now you have some more folks that enjoy this card game. I think Marlene won but am not exactly sure this morning, since I rarely remember who wins. I just enjoy playing. Michelle caught on quickly, but Andy was not sure of all of the rules. He will get it quickly if we can play again. Happy travels.

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