Friday, December 24, 2010

Max is a good traveler

Max has turned out to be an excellent traveler. At first he whined about being in the car but gradually got used to the traveling bit. At our first stop he loved playing with Harper, our great grand. He would bark, and Harper would laugh. It was quite funny.

Then in Connecticut he had to share the house with Phyllis and Pat's cat. That did not go too well, so we kept them separate. He was a good guest though and got invited back.

At Maurice and Anne's place he was able to run free outside until he started down the road. He came back when called and was on a leash when going outside after that. Speaking of going, he learned to get on with his business and quite quickly too, as snow and cold did not exactly agree with him.

At Mom's house he had the run of her house and loved it. Again he was a good visitor and looked after Mom very well. He quickly learned not to try to jump on her. He got invited back there, too.

Now in Ann Arbor he has a house to share with two other dogs, Violet and Rosie. They have decided to get along, and that is a good thing. At night these two go up to bedrooms with their boys Jonny and Christian, while Max shares a bedroom with us.

It tickled me that in motels he would turn to look at the door of the elevator when traveling up or down. Now how did he learn that? A good traveler for sure. Happy travels.

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