Monday, December 6, 2010

Visit to Wilmington, December 2010

What could ever be better at this time of the year than to see grandchildren and even GREAT grandchildren? Nothing, we decided, and so we decided to travel a bit out of the path to Wilmington, NC, to see Ashley, Tom, and Harper. Although Tom was scheduled at JC Penney's during the weekend sale, we did go by to see him, too, and he even baked us a pie! Thanks, Tom! The rest of the visit was spent visiting with Ashley and just enjoying watching and playing with Harper, as you can see from the pictures. He is a delightful, happy, toddler at one and a half, curious and busy. They had just put up a Christmas tree yesterday, and he was fascinated by all of the ornaments. He was also delighted to play with Max, who thought Harper was his new best friend. Harper would "talk" to Max, causing Max to bark, which made Harper laugh. Max, thoroughly enjoying this new source of attention, would then bark each time he laughed. Aaaahhhhhh... the joys of traveling with a pet are without number! After a delicious dinner at the Olive Garden, Ashley's choice, and a wonderful dessert of apple pie, we thought it was best to leave so Ashley could put Harper to bed, albeit, a bit later than usual. It was a wonderful visit, and we are so happy to have seen them! Merry Christmas, Grands! And Happy Travels to all!

Visit to Wilmington, December 2010

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