Friday, February 11, 2011

Funny stuff

I try to find things that are funny to write about, but since we have been helping Kim and Chuck with fixing up their house, not very many things in this category have occurred. We also have been tired at the end of each day, and this blog gets forgotten.

One evening Christian was upset and commented to his mother, "You have emptied my bucket!" Now he has just turned seven years old, and this was quite a philosophical statement to make. I do not know where he learned such a thing, but he knew if bad things happened, his bucket would get lower and finally empty if it kept happening. When good things happen, his bucket would fill. Several days later he came home from school in a very good mood, and I suggested to him that his bucket might be quite full, and he grinned all over.

A couple days back we had taken some boxes to storage and had to dig out the garage door of the unit from snow and finally were putting the boxes inside. Foxy tried to close the trunk and since the keys were on part of the trunk, the car key got bent. I tried to bend it back, and it broke. I have never broken a car key ever. Here we are at the storage unit with our car, and no ignition key to get it started. It was very cold, about ten degrees and wind to make it feel like a few degrees below zero. We walked to the office of the storage unit and found it did not open until ten o'clock. We hurried across the street to another business that was open, borrowed a phone book and called a cab.

About fifteen minutes later the cab showed up, and we had him drive us to the kids' house where we could get another car key. He then drove us back and got a ticket for turning the wrong way on a street which you could not see because of all of the snow. Finally back at the storage unit and $50 for the cab ride, we could start the car. His ticket would cost him over $100. We then drove to the Chevrolet dealership to get another key. $50 later and we were good to go. Now when we go out we take both car keys and try not to break either of them. I am planning to think this is funny. Happy travels.

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