Thursday, September 13, 2007

Garage and Estate Sales

We got started on our garage/estate sale. We were planning to do this tomorrow, but at 7am this morning there were cars parking outside our home. I asked HW2, " What day this was?" and she said, "Thursday." "Why are those cars parked outside and people waiting, more accurately, pounding on the garage and front doors? " So we quickly checked the ad in the paper and discovered the paper had made several mistakes, including starting the sale today instead of tomorrow. Being flexible, we quickly removed all personal items and labeled doors private, and by 8am we were open for business. The crowd literally ran through the house, bought nothing and left, and we sat there with open mouths. "What was that all about?" I think that they were looking for bargains and had more sales to get to, so were very quick about ours. HW2 called the paper and went over the ad to try to get it corrected. We decided to go on with the sale, and people continued to arrive throughout the day. Most of these folks did not run through the house and then out the door. Consequently, we have begun, and bids are coming in, and many items have sold. Lesson learned - with the best of planning, you can still get blind sided. Tonight, we are tired but undeterred.

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