Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just Too Weird

On Monday we needed a break and were returning from a local trip to do several errands, when we were about two miles from home, and then we saw it. Our motor home was coming down the road and passed us going in the opposite direction. Now, probably quite a few motor homes have the same paint job as ours, but we have only seen one or two in the years since we bought ours. It was quite a shock, I can tell you. "Oh my gosh!" "Who stole our motor home?" "Should we follow it to see where it is being taken?" Did we leave it unlocked?" "Did someone break into the house while we were gone?" The air was filled with questions. Reluctantly, we decided to drive the two miles remaining and see if it was, indeed, our motor home that was going down the road. "But if we go home, and it is ours, how will we ever find it again?" Should we call the police?" "What are we going to do if it is ours, and here we are selling our house?" The questions kept coming as we crawled slowly up to the turn for our street. Finally, the traffic thinned, and we could make the necessary left turn onto our street, and we headed to the house. As we crested the hill to our house, we both craned our heads to see whether it was there. HW2 gasped out loud, "Oh, my, it is gone!" A little further and, "It's there!" The trees had hidden it till the last minute. "Jump start the pacemakers," we both said together and drove into the driveway. Boy, can we get worked up. Apparently, our house sale, the move to the motor home, and returning to wandering the roads is on track. Happy travels, all!


sperlonga said...

Maybe this should be titled "Just too W-I-R-E-D!! Kinda uptight, are we?? Really, I'm glad, well kind of , that it wasn't your motor home! *smile*

K said...

I KNEW we should have paid the guy more to get it away...