Thursday, September 13, 2007


Teeth are an essential part of life if you want to chew your food or look good when you laugh. Our dentist got us in about two weeks earlier than planned, so our smiles are in good order these days. Of course, I had somehow chipped a molar, but Dr. Frank ground down the rough edges and sent me on my way. Thanks for not insisting on a crown or root canal or something equally awful!

In his later years, my dad had a tooth pulled and a one tooth partial made that he could easily move about with his tongue. When you least expected it, the tooth would appear as if winking at you from his mouth. His children found this very funny, but his wife did not, and he frequently got a, "Stiles, must you do that?" from Mom. He did keep on entertaining us, though. My son-in-law has a set of "hillbilly" teeth that are crooked, discolored, and can be slipped over his teeth. When he does this, he also puts on a hillbilly accent, and we laugh and laugh. He is very good at his imitation and very funny.

Another friend of ours tells about her grandma losing her teeth. She had dentures and left them in various places and urged her granddaughter to help locate them. The first set found turned out to be her uncle's, although grandma did occasionally wear them, but they kept looking. Finally, they were found in her mouth all this time, which caused grandma to laugh and be a subject of funny stories to this day.

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