Monday, January 7, 2008

Playing cards

We love to play cards and have played cards for two nights in a row. Last night we played Shanghai Rummy eastern rules. When we normally play this game we play western rules so it was fun to adjust to different rules. HW2 like people to think that she doesn't understand the strategy or rules of the games and then frequently goes on to win. This is how she got tagged 'Sweet Cheeks' by antiquing friend Shelia. Anyway, HW2 won last night and said, "This is the first time I have ever won this game playing eastern rules." So it goes! We were glad to have HW2 win and enjoyed her comment. Tonight is another night. Shall keep you posted.

1 comment:

C and J said...

Oh, yeah! And then let him explain how first he, then Kimberly simply wiped me off the map in Hearts the other night! Two nights in a row! I truly believe with me it is all luck! Love you, Sweetie!