Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Shingles (Not the house variety)

The last few days we spent in Ann Arbor, I could tell that I had quite an ache both on my back and my front. I thought I had pulled a muscle or something but could not seem to get any relief and decided that in time it would go away. About the last day we were there I could feel some bumps under the skin in the sore areas and thought, "Oh no, I have or am getting shingles." When we got to Fayetteville the first thing I said to mom after we got the car unloaded was that I thought I had shingles and did they have an urgent care nearby. HW2 found one in the phone book and we went over there. My early diagnosis was correct, I have Shingles. They now have an antiviral pill that you can take for a week and with a strong anti -inflammatory can control the flare-up.

Shingles occur because you have chicken pox as a child and the virus remains dormant in your body for the rest of your life and in people over 60 about half of the time, result in a case of shingles. It is not particularly infectious to others which is good news. It is painful though and I was glad to get the proscribed medicine and resulting relief.

About 6-7 years ago I participated in a blind study sponsored by the government to see if a vaccine could be developed to prevent shingles. Half of us were given a placebo and the other half a vaccine. We had to call in monthly for the next five years to relate if we had shingles. I now believe that I was in the placebo group. It was fun to participate in a study that could potentially help others. I believe that a vaccine is now available to prevent shingles and encourage anyone over 60 that had chicken pox as a child to get the vaccine.

I have wondered why the name for this disease since it brings to mind shingles for the roof or siding of a house. Anyone out there know why?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Knowing how painful shingles are, I am amazed at how cheerful and uncomplaining my wonderful husband is and has been!! How thankful we are for the medications prescribed, and we are so hopeful that the duration will be short, as a result. In the meantime, I just wish I ould do more to make him feel better! I love you, Sweetie, and want you to feel better quickly!