Thursday, January 31, 2008

Death orTaxes

We all know that two inevitable events are death and taxes. Probably if you had to choose one or the other, most of us would choose taxes and let God take care of death. Well, it is beginning to be tax time, and I prefer to do my own taxes rather than pay someone to do them for me. However, it takes a long time to do them, double check things, and find any new ways of doing things.

When I first started doing taxes, you could deduct the interest you paid on your credit card. That deduction has been long gone for sure. Other deductions come and go, mostly gone. My current favorite is if you keep receipts you can deduct your sales taxes. The only problem is adding them all up. If a high wind were to hit us, there would be bits and pieces of paper flying for miles that say, tax - .32 etc. I am probably one third of the way through this effort to find out my total sales tax and with luck will get that organized and finished today. Now, if someone in the IRS wants to challenge my sales tax numbers, I am ready! I have several large boxes of receipts for each tax year and will take them to the nearest IRS office, dump the requested year on the table in front of the IRS agent, and turn on a high volume fan that I will also bring. The resulting paper flury should be delightful and memorable for the agent. Probably this agent will not have a sense of humor and I will be locked up. Please visit!

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