Sunday, August 3, 2008

Florence Finds the Tragedy

It took Florence only a few minutes to walk the two block from her back door to the warehouse next to the GLF building. By the time she got there, the ambulance had been joined by the town volunteer fire truck and the citizens who helped when there was a need like this. The south end of the warehouse still spewed smoke and steam where the fire had just been put out. Florence asked who had discovered the fire, what caused the fire in the first place, and was about to ask a third question when there was a collective gasp from the gathering townspeople. A badly charred body was found under some of the building rubble.

First a fire and then a body. Berkshire would have something to talk about for weeks. This small town had little in the way of excitement except for the occasional speedy driver or pranks from boys who needed more work to do.

Having seen all she could, Florence turned and was about to walk back home, when she nearly ran into Setty. "Well, I never," started Setty when interrupted by Florence, "Did you get a good look at the burned body?" "How could I, you were all in the way," said the slightly out of breath Setty. She had practically run to the fire and was still getting her breath back, since running was not her idea of a good time. "Do you think it was a man or a woman?" asked Setty. Florence said, "I'm not sure, because I could only see part of the remains, but since A.C. is the county coroner, I'll know real soon." And with that said the two sisters walked back to their respective homes, talking the whole way.

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