Friday, December 4, 2009

The Atlantic Ocean

Today Tom and Harper took us to see the Atlantic Ocean, a drive of about 10 miles from their house. It was windy, overcast, and cool, so we did not stay there very long. We did manage to pick up some shells and check out a few beach stores that were open. Most have closed for the season and have a sign suggesting that they will be open in the spring, meaning March or April. Then the boys took us back downtown to visit the Cotton Exchange which has been turned into a variety of upscale shops. On the way we found lunch for the boys, and HW2 fed Harper some oatmeal mixed with pureed fruit. Harper was a moving target to get fed, but she persisted and finally he had enough. Then we took the boys home so that the baby could have the rest of his nap.

We headed back to our motel to do the same and will bring pizza to cook for dinner tonight. Harper is a very cute and well behaved baby. He is interested in everything going on around him and willing to smile at all passers by. But best of all are his beautiful blue eyes! Happy travels.

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