Saturday, December 26, 2009

The day after Christmas

Christmas was quite exciting with two very wired boys enjoying the whole thing of course. Friends stopped by in the afternoon to play for awhile as they were leaving for 6-8 months in Switzerland today. Kim took the family to the airport early this morning.

The tempo of things is much subdued this morning. The boys are putting together Star Wars Lego sets, and that also means that Lego pieces are no longer on the floor in the living room for a few minutes. It seems that there are more sets to put together, so this activity might go on for awhile. Kim is trying to make enough room that we can actually move about the living room.

Later today we may do a bit of shopping or go to the YWCA for some physical activity or bowling, but who knows. Time will tell. What we do not need to do is eat. We have been eating for nearly a month and will have to go back on the diet when we return to Texas. Happy, slightly fat, travels.

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