Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra, Ra Ra Ra Ra

Early in the afternoon we decided to go bowling. The kids and grands have been doing virtual bowling on their Wii console. They actually are already quite good, and so a dose of reality seemed in order. It was indeed quite fun. We actually got some strikes and spares and lots of missed pins, too. We spent an hour bowling, and it had some really funny moments like when Christian's ball bounced into the next lane. We had bumpers to help the grands control their balls, and one shot bounced back and forth from side to side and finally ended up as, hold your breath, a strike, of course. Such wonderful uncontrolled shots produced much gaiety in all of the participants. We cheered on each strike and found the bowler raising his/her arms in delight. English and body language was tried but did not seem to actually move the ball in the direction desired.

Afterward we went for Chinese food in the style of the movie, The Christmas Story. We had to remember not to break out into song of "Fa Ra Ra," but you know we wanted to do so. The food was excellent, and not a morsel was left by the hungry bowlers. Much fuller, we traveled the short distance home. Happy travels on a full belly, y'all.

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