Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patricks Day Party

Speaking of wearing of the green, we found it. Foxy got a can of green hair spray at a beauty supply place and used it on herself. She also sprayed a bit in a cup and then painted my mustache. Then she loaned the can of spray to Julie who went along with the gag. We were not sure that it would be temporary but said, "What the heck!" Later I discovered Charlie and Dave had some green in their beards (thanks to you know who), and so we all were quite festive looking. When you add the green earrings, beads, hats, etc., you would swear that we were certainly all Irish. The final note was green beer. Now who could ask for more when celebrating this important day.

Most brought food, and we thoroughly enjoyed being outside at the saloon visiting with friends. Most of the work campers were there, and we even called Byron in Colorado to see what he was doing. It seems that he was working on a keg of beer and partying, too. Finally we walked home, and I showered to discover that the green stuff really did come off. Later Foxy washed her hair with the same result. Hope you, the reader, also had a festive celebration. Happy travels.

1 comment:

Drew Watts said...

Patrick's day party seems to be quite enjoyable. I am planning to celebrate Christmas day at one of the flawless San Francisco venues this year. Will invite all my relatives and friends. Thinking of a surprise theme and games to make the get together an unforgettable one.