Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

Happy March 17 to all you St. Patrick's Day fans. I guess it is the wearing of something green today, and I have been trying to get Foxy to get a bit of green in her hair. Time will tell on that note. We are having a party in the park tonight, and all are to bring something to eat. Should be fun.

The past five days I have been working since our schedule changed. We have added a new man, George, on the maintenance crew. It has been good to have another set of hands, and George seems to be a willing worker. But, five days working, all in a row after only one day off, was tiring to this old guy. I am looking forward to having three days off. Maybe we can then figure out what to do with the motor home slide problem.

A week from today I have an appointment with an urologist and can begin to see what develops on that front as well. Sadly, another retiree from the Albuquerque Public Schools, Barry Glass, has died from cancer. He finished his career as an Assistant Principal at Valley High School and was a good administrator there. He will be missed. I had hoped to visit with him in Albuquerque, but it was not to be. As friends pass from this life, they leave a hole in the lives of friends left behind. Communicate with each other while you can. I am glad that I was able to send him a note some time back and thank him for his years of work in the public schools.

It has been raining here, and the grass is growing like crazy. I think we have lots of mowing ahead. Fortunately, I like to do that. Happy travels.

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