Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day

On Sunday we celebrate Father's Day. I am a father/dad and grandad many times over. Foxy and I have five kids, four of whom are married with kids of their own. So we have lots of fathers in our growing family. I believe that fathers add much to a rich family life. They set fine examples for their children. They provide discipline as needed and unconditional love. My own father was a no nonsense type of father, yet we knew he loved us. He did not appreciate telling us more than once, and this was followed with spanking if needed. I still think this is the best way to parent. My opinion, of course. Fathers like to play with their children and provide a different approach to parenting from mothers. Mothers are more nurturing. I am happy to see modern day fathers taking a larger role in daily child rearing. This is good for the moms, too. So happy Father's Day to all of the fathers out there. Happy travels.

1 comment:

C and J said...

Happy Father's Day to you, Sweetie! You are the best dad/granddad ever (and the best husband, too!) Love you!!!!