Friday, June 10, 2011

Midnight in Paris is an A+

Go see Midnight in Paris that just came out to movie theaters. It is delightful! Owen Wilson and Kathy Bates both do a superb job of acting. We went since we both have great affection for Paris and so had to see what this movie is all about. Owen Wilson portrays a writer from Hollywood on vacation with his fiance and her parents in Paris. He has been trying to write the book and is having lots of trouble and is unwilling to have others critique it. He has a time travel adventure and goes back in time to the 1920s and meets expatriate writers like Hemingway and Fitzgerald and painters from this period. Kathy Bates plays Gertrude Stein and finally reads Owen's book and gives him wonderful suggestions. You sit on the edge of you seat wondering who he will meet up with next. I do not want to ruin the movie for you and so suggest you go see it. Happy viewing and travels.

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