Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wonderful spring day here

Saturday dawned crisp and clear.   When Max and I went outside you could still see the planet Mars and a bit of Orion.  Once Foxy was up we got it together and went garage sailing and found a few things for the shop and took other recent finds out there.  We always think the shop is full and yet find a way to stuff some more in without the booth exploding in disgust.  We then drove home and took a late morning walk about our RV park looking for possible sites to change to for the summer when it will likely get very hot.   Our present site is a good one but gets too much sun all day to really enjoy it in the summer.   Last summer we had the air conditioners on most of the time day and night with a corresponding high electric bill.  So far we have found three or four sites that might do and when we move for a propane fill up will try to see if we can move the rig.

The entire Denton area has greened up after the recent rains.   The lakes are full and the spring flowers are in full bloom.  We particularly enjoy seeing Blue Bonnets along the roadside.   This year they are quite plentiful and very pretty. Oh if spring weather could last all summer and not get so hot.   Happy travels.

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