Thursday, July 24, 2008

Insights from a four year old

We have been taking care of Kim and Chuck's two boys while she teaches at Interlochen Music Camp this summer for six weeks. The boys are ages 4 and 6 and while lively, have been fun to care for and try to keep up with. The six year old asked HW2, "Why don't you eat sweets?" Without a pause in the conversation the four year old said, "Because she doesn't want to get fat!" HW2 had to agree that that was the reason.

Another time we were listening to the boys complain a bit in front of their parents. The six year old said that their bedroom was too dark and did not want to go to bed. This was immediately followed by the four year old saying, "It's OK brother, I will be there too. Quit whining!" How we laughed. It has been fun to see how much six and four year olds comprehend and how they express themselves. They are a kick and we are very happy to have this chance to spend time with them and their parents.

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