Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Star Wars and Harry Potter Movie Fans

We may have created a monster. Jon and Christian love Star Wars movies. Last week we watched movies 4, 5, and 6. They now know all about Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, light sabers, and many of the wonderful characters created by George Lucas. Today they were allowed to watch Star Wars l and started by singing the introductory music and kept asking questions as the movie progressed. They are hoping to get in movies 2 and 3 before we all have to leave Interlochen on Saturday.

Christian is concerned about who might be a good or a bad guy. Neither boy can imagine how Anakin Skywalker can possibly turn into Darth Vader. They also needed popcorn and drinks while watching the movie. Somehow, they still managed to enjoy dinner tonight. Those two boys can eat!!!! Probably we will watch the other movies on Tuesday and Wednesday. I haven't seen these movies in years and enjoyed them all over again, too. Our Omaha grands love these movies too, as well as the Harry Potter movies. Once Jon had enjoyed the first Harry Potter book being read to him, his reward was to watch the first Harry Potter movie. Christian joined for the viewing and both talk about Harry, Ron, and Hermione, as well as Dumbledore, Snape and Hagrid.

It was great fun to intorduce the boys to the Star Wars movies and to Harry Potter as well. The Harry Potter books are so well-written, and the movies in both categories have enough action to keep kids and adults interested. Now they want to see Harry Potter 2, but must listen to the book read to them first.

It has been a fun but busy summer with the boys, and we hate to see it draw to a close. Their young minds just soak up information and they seem not to forget anything that they are exposed to. What a delight it is to be a grandparent and to become involved, even briefly, in their daily lives!

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