Monday, July 21, 2008

You recognize a face

Every once in a while when I am in a crowd of people I see some characteristic in a face or the way the person does something that gets my attention. The other day I saw a woman purse her lips and immediately thought of Katherine Hartnagle who was the wife of our family doctor, who we all went to, when we were growing up. I have not thought of Katherine in many years but what ever that woman did the other day, reminded me of her enough, to bring back her face and gestures. Katherine was a lovely woman, well thought of in her community and dedicated to her husband and daughter.

I remember another time seeing a man walking away from me and the way he walked reminded me of Dad. I quickly walked after him and then by him so that I could see his face. Of course the face was different and the man in no way resembled my father. It shook me up though, since Dad had recently died.

Does this happen to you? I wonder if this is God's way of reminding you of someone you miss or that is no longer here. I remember faces very well and could always tell at school whether a student belonged on campus or not even though we had 2600 students at that time. However, I had a hard time remembering their names and finally learned to ask, "Tell me your name again". Of course I frequently forgot the name in the next second even when I tried to use their name in a sentence as soon as I heard it. But, I could remember their faces.

Sometimes now, I study people to see if I will see characteristics that will bring someone to mind. The neat thing for me is that I do get similarities a lot and then get to relive fond memories of a friend.

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