Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jeff Foxworthy would be proud

Today we went on an errand to Target, and while checking out I overheard a lady with two boys say, "Come on, Seven, go to this next register." I was quite surprised to hear this and asked her, "Do you name your kids numbers? Is this number seven?" "No," she said, "His name is Devon, not Seven." Fortunately she laughed. Maybe she could see my hearing aids. Then Foxy pointed out that this same lady had big numbers on her pants. The left cheek was numbered 19 and the right 22. I wanted to go and ask her why the cheeks of her pants were numbered and then why the cheeks had different numbers but restrained myself. Maybe she had a cheek lift and one needed a bit more attention than the other. Do you suppose she bought the pants in 1922? She was not that old for sure.

As we left the store, laughing quietly, I could hear Jeff Foxworthy advertising his new book collection called, You Might Be Hard of Hearing if ........... Happy travels.

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