Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tail end projects

As we wind down our duties in Ann Arbor, we are working on the last few projects. When the parquet floors were refinished, all of the moulding trim had to be replaced. Fifty pieces of moulding later, staining each piece and a polyurethane coat, they were ready this morning to be affixed in place with the use of a nail gun. Foxy did touch up painting work while I removed accidental paint marks from all of the doors. Last night Chuck installed two of the new counter tops in the kitchen. He also re-hooked up the bathroom sink.

We had bought a new kitchen sink and only discovered that it was brown, not black, when we opened it at home. So that had to be taken back and replaced with the correctly colored sink. We had lots of other errands like buying nearly 100 feet of quarter round to finish the floors and countless others. We will be done next week regardless. Happy travels.

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