Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Gazebo is up

We did it, the gazebo is up. As indicated we moved the motor home back 8-10 feet and hooked everything up and then went to work to put up our gazebo. It is not a one person project. The framework for the top is mostly push buttons that lock into place but the side supports are connected with nuts and bolts which takes awhile. One bad time was had by Foxy when one of the supports came loose and hit her on her right forearm. She did not cuss but probably wanted too. Finally we finished the qazebo and now have an outdoor room with shade. If the temperature ever drops out of the 100's maybe we can sit outside. We placed it in the area vacated by the motor home when we moved it backward.

Yesterday evening we found a local sports bar and watched a bit of a baseball game while having dinner. It was slightly smoky but bearable. The food was good and I did not have to cook. I just took Max out for his constitutional. It was 105 outside and generally unbearable. I will be sure glad when we get a rain break or some cooler temperatures. If it is cool where you are, send us some. Happy travels.

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