Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back into the routine

We seem to have dropped back into our comfortable rut of a routine here. We have seem a couple of movies, the Sherlock Holmes one and Tinker Tailor, Soldier, Spy. I liked them both but Foxy thought the LeCarre remake was depressing. We look forward to viewing The Decedents and The Iron Lady with Foxy choosing our next visit.

We have also started locating new medical doctors and starting that annual process. So far Foxy has been to the Opthamologist with good results and I to a Dermatologist. I am in the process of chemically peeling pre-cancerous growths off of my face which takes 2-3 weeks and makes you look like you had a very bad sunburn. If it helps, it will be worth while I think.

The boys are back in school and we have taken care of them 2-3 times each week. This is birthday time for them and Foxy made a birthday dinner for Christian and now in a week or so will do the same for Jon. Both boys wanted cowboy boots for their birthdays and we helped find such.

Church is beginning to take on a larger role in our lives and Foxy has begun to meet with a circle group once each month. Saturday we meet with the pastors for a session on new membership and possibilities for involvement. The pastor gives good succinct sermons and the music offered is splendid. On Sunday after church we will go to the Fort Worth Symphony for a mid-afternoon concert on Brahms and Beethoven. It should be delightful.

We have been luck to have several rainy days and the water table should be improving. We still need more to come back from our serious drought throughout Texas.

My Mom has had another fainting spell and currently is staying with Maurice and Anne but is quite unhappy with all of us since she thinks she should be able to stay home alone. A sad time for all. Not bad though for a 99 year old lady.

I think that brings us up to date. Happy travels.

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