Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pre skin cancers

About two weeks ago I went to a dermatologist here to have him check me over, which I do every six months. He did his job and I was expecting him to freeze any pre-cancerous areas he might find. Each time I have done this in the last 20 years I get some spots taken care of in this way to prevent them from becoming more serious. This doctor thought I should try a different system of smearing my face twice a day with a chemo creme for two or more weeks. I did not really want to do this but he convinced me to try this system. I picked up this prescription cream, paid my co-pay of $15 and learned that my insurance had saved me over $200. I was truly appalled at the cost of one tube of this stuff and hoped it would really work, at that price.

After about a week of twice daily applications, It began to have results. I have so many spots that I have not tried to count them. The cream kills the fast growing cancer cells and then like a small burn spot the skin underneath replaces the affected area. In the meantime I look like I have leprosy. The second stage of this treatment is to slather steroid type cream to help heal the skin. In a month all should be well and I hope the new areas will be as smooth as a new baby's bottom. This system seems to work and I am glad to be able to do it. I must admit it has been quite a trial once it started to get warm and itch. If you have similar problems with skin cancer check into this system with your dermatologist. Happy travels.

1 comment:

scfinder said...

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