Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas decorations

We really like Christmas decorations but there is little room in our motor home for such. We did manage to put up some chili lights and some Annalee Santa and Mrs. Santa Dolls. They were very cheerful and added much to our mini docor. In our shop we put out lots of christmas items for sale and even tried to make them more attractive by offering a half price sale to all potential buyers. We did manage to sell some of the items and yesterday decided it was time in this new year to take down our home decorations and then go to the shop and pack up the Christmas items for another year. Our booth is also now back to normal and quite uncluttered. I guess that means that we will have to continue our hunt for garage and estate sales. It is fun and keeps us occupied even though we barely break even. I like these annual doings both the putting up and the taking down of the decorations and always look forward to seeing them again next year. Happy New Year and happy travels to all.

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