Monday, April 14, 2008

Collector's Frenzy

Judy was checking through the paper and saw an advertisement for an antique show at the local convention center starting on Friday evening. She asked Charlie, Kim, and Kris if they all wanted to go to the antique show and was pleased when evryone wanted to go. The girls wondered if they could take the Scotties if they were on their leashes and carefully controlled. Charlie thought he had seen dogs at the show in the past, so why not try it and ask the promoters if it was possible to bring the dogs, too.

When Friday finally arrived, they all piled into the car and took the two excited dogs down town to the convention center. The girls put the pups on their leashes while Charlie went to ask the promoters if it would be possible to bring the Scotties to the antique show and was pleased when he learned that as long as they were on their leashes, it was acceptable. All six of the Campbells started to slowly stroll through the antique show and enjoyed all the comments that the Scotties caused. One dealer suggested that they go over one row and check into the booth of the dealer next to the wall. When they did this, they discovered to their delight that this dealer collected and sold Scotty memorabilia. They were in trouble. Ever since Charlie had bought a Scotch bottle which had black and white Scotties as the advertisement, Charlie and Judy had wondered if there were other similar items. This booth was full of Black and White Scotch memorabilia and many Scotty collectibles. Duffy and MacGregor sat side by side as the family looked at all of the items, quite pleased with all of the attention they were receiving from the other antique shoppers.

Their favorite was a papier mache piece that showed a black and a white Scotties sitting side by side, just like Duffy and MacGregor were doing. They decided they had to get that one and some Scotty bookends. The delight of the evening was finding small boxes of Scotty magnets, black and white, of course, like the ones Charlie and Judy used to play with when they were kids. Finally, after looking all through the antique show, the Campbells returned with home with two well-behaved dogs and their Scotty memorabilia. What had they started? Were they beginning a collection of Scotty collectibles?

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