Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Is it Windsday or Wednesday?

Around here it is Windsday for sure. Yesterday we were buffeted by gusts of wind of 40 to 50 mph. This went on all day and all night and still continues a bit this morning. We drove into town for our daily walk in the mall and noticed the high winds and lack of large trucks on the freeway. On the return home we were overwhelmed with the flying dirt kicked up by the wind and in several areas could hardly see the buildings. It was especially bad where the dirt had been worked in construction areas or where spring time planting was taking place.

I could really appreciate how the dust storms of the thirties might have been in the west and mid west. I could also see how sudden sand storms such as seen in Arizona or California can cause huge multi car pile ups with much death and destruction. You really can't see to drive in such conditions. Hopefully the winds will die down today and we can get back to regular spring weather in the heartland.

1 comment:

sperlonga said...

Ah, good to see you're back. With the story line going, I couldn't tell!