Thursday, June 11, 2009

Threads again

I continue to mull over the idea of threads in relationships. If every one who has interacted with you spun an invisible thread of connection to you, there would be quite a thicket of threads spreading out from you to all your friends, family, and acquaintainces. I can imagine this thicket of invisible threads supporting you through good times and bad. This thicket would get more dense as you grow through life and meet and make new friends or as new family members are added.

Famous or important people would have a veritable cloud of threads as they might be on the minds of thousands of people. Religeous leaders, such as Jesus, would have two thousand years of believers adding to the cloud as they turned their thoughts to his teachings. These threads, being invisible, are maintained even though the person being connected to is no longer in this life. What a lovely way to continue to treasure someone and to send kind thoughts. Threads give me peace. Happy threading.

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