Thursday, June 11, 2009


One of the guys that works here will ask you, "What," when he sees you. This is not a clipped version of what but rather a long drawn out version as if the word had many a's. The other day Don came by, and HW2 said, "Whaaaaat?" In return Don said, "Whaaaaat?" This caused another round of what's, and then Don said, "We're turning you into a redneck." HW2 said, "I cain't believe you said thaaaaat." All dissolved into laughter.

Today at the Shell station check out, HW2 commented, "What is beer salt?" The guy next to her said, "What part of the North are you from? Didn't yo daddy teach you nothin'?" Beer salt is required when you drink beer, and you can either salt the beer foam, or take some of the salt in your mouth as you drink it. "Don't take too much though, as it will cause the beer to foam up." Now knowing much more about beer salt than she wanted to know, HW2 left. In Texas you never meet a stranger. Happy travels.

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