Friday, November 27, 2009

A Black Friday Virgin no longer

This morning we did not get up at some ghastly hour to go shopping on Black Friday for the advertised specials from the newspapers. However, we did get up and arrived at Office Max by 7am so that we could check out their laptop computers. When we arrived, we saw that our friend Byron was already in line. He had been shopping at several stores already and was looking for a computer and printer. Now Byron likes to go shopping on Black Friday and did so last year, finding lots of good tools at Home Depot. I am more of the type of shopper who knows exactly what he wants, goes to the correct store, gets the item without trying it on, and heads back home. The whole process takes minutes not hours. However, our laptop computer seems to be going on the fritz, and we thought it would be a good idea to have a replacement computer just in case because we do so much with computers these days.

At Office Max we joined the line, and HW2 went up to talk with Byron. He agreed to get us a computer ticket and shortly after seven, the store opened. We all filed into the store and most of the potential shoppers headed for the electronic equipment. Byron picked up two computer tickets, and we waited to pick up the computers and then paid our bill at the check-out counter. Everyone was polite and visited with friends and strangers. We got the computer and then went on to San Antonio to do a bit more shopping.

An hour later found us in the city at the Rim Mall, and we started by going into Best Buy. Oh, the humanity! It was so busy and loud that we turned around and left. Next to Penney's where I waited in the car while HW2 shopped. A couple of stops later and we decided we needed lunch. Then the hour drive back to Kerrville and I was no longer a Black Friday Virgin. That might mean that in future years I will stay home and let HW2 have the shopping fun. Happy travels.

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