Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner at this RV resort

We work at this resort on Monday through Wednesday and have the rest of the week off. This week, Thursday was Thanksgiving, and we have a wonderful tradition of offering dinner for all of the guests at the resort who would like to share in it. Of course, that means getting ready. Tables and chairs have to be set up, the place decorated, and the food organized and cooked. That seems like an impossible task when you begin to realize that 350 -400 people are coming to dinner. Don is our boss/manager/owner, and he loves to cook and plan these huge parties.

By Wednesday we had the Guadalupe Pavilion ready to go, all the while checking in the many arriving guests. Thursday was our day off, but all work campers here donate working time to get these festivities completed. Don got up about 3:00 am and began the cooking process. We have three kitchens here, and they were all pressed into service for the meal. I joined him about 5:00am. We had two types of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, rolls, and iced tea or coffee to drink. Each of the guests brought a dish to pass which might be a salad, vegetable, or dessert. There was a great deal of food and an incredible variety of favorite dishes for our Thanksgiving. Roy gave the blessing, and all the guests went through one of two serving lines and then sampled the dishes to pass. Finally, we sat down with good friends Byron, Julie, and Ron and were joined by campers from Belgium who did not know what this holiday really entailed. HW2 had explained it to them when they checked in on Tuesday, and they did their homework by googling it on their computer. They could not believe all the food that was available.

We were able to visit, eat, meet many old friends, andwe thoroughly enjoyed the whole day. It had been several long days of work preparing, but it went well, and everyone went away full and happy to be here. Many of the guests return each year for this weekend bringing their entire family and joining friends. It seemed as if our family has grown to be a bit large, but we would hate to miss this day together. Happy travels.

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