Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tom Sawyer and me

One of the consequences of the man driving through our fence was that we had to build a replacement fence and then, of course, paint it white to match the rest of the original fence. An obvious problem quickly developed. The new sections of the fence got painted and were very white, but the original was much more grey from road grunge and general weathering. The decision was made that we had to paint the whole fence, and we have been employed doing exactly that for several days. On Monday I managed to miss this wondrous opportunity by being willing to mow our many acres while Gordon painted. He actually got to choose and chose painting. On Tuesday we both painted. Gordon took one side and I the other, and we visited and painted the whole day.

Today, Wednesday, only Roy and I were working. Roy hates to paint and got to install new lights at our front gate, and this took most of his working day. At one point after lunch I stopped painting and helped Roy with his project. Earlier I had tested the pools and checked to see which of the guests were here or were leaving. I also picked up the garbage. This part of the day only took about an hour, and then I was on the painting detail. It is not as much fun to paint alone, and I pictured Tom Sawyer white-washing Aunt Sally's fence. As I leaned back and looked this way and that, I could see Huck watching and getting so interested that he would want to paint, and I would reluctantly let him. Where was Huck when I needed him and for that matter, where was Tom? Lunch came and about 3pm, I got back from helping Roy and started on the other side of the fence I had painted that morning by myself. Then Roy showed up and helped me finish. The two of us made short work of the sections and now another 100 yards are completed. It looks great, but I still need Huck and Tom to come and help. All of you readers who love to paint, please stop by. I have a paint brush just for you. Happy travels.

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