Thursday, November 19, 2009

Is Max hungry?

Now Max has food whenever he wants it. He gets about 2-3 cups of dried dog food every day. I put out two cups in the morning and one at night. He is about 25 pounds and that is large for a Westie. He is not particularly fat but seems to be well fed.

Recently we have been finding small bits of this and that on the floor clearly a finished product by Max. If he finds it on the floor, he eats it. Today we found two dollar bills torn into pieces on the floor and HW2 said, "That's why he was so quiet." I stuck the pieces back together with scotch tape and am wondering whether a bank would take them for destroying and replace them with legal untorn tender. I will say, "The dog ate it," if asked why the bills are torn and repaired with scotch tape.

I know that Max has all of his adult teeth and am wondering why he is in a chewing mode. After all, he is one year old this November. Does this chewing stage go on for another year? Will he last around here if he eats any more of HW2's things. We think it was her money that she lost out of a pocket of her jacket. It would have been better if she had just lost a stray tissue or two. He can eat all of the tissues he wants but stay out of the family money please. Happy travels.

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