Sunday, November 15, 2009

How quickly things change

Tim's dad Ron recently sent us a copy of an email which showed many changes in our cars. Riding home from church today, HW2 and I were talking about the many changes we have seen. Now we have electric windows instead of handles to open them. We have air conditioning instead of opening our windows. We have turn signals instead of hand signals. We have levers to change our head lights from low to high beams instead of a foot pedal. I am sure that you can think of other changes you have seen in your life as well.

Much air travel is today done in jet aircraft instead of propeller driven planes. Most of our supplies arrive in trucks instead of trains. Passenger trains are almost non-existent. We have moving sidewalks in airports instead of just walking.

We used to read newspapers or listen to the fifteen minutes of evening news on our radios instead of 24 hour news cycles present today on television or the Internet.

Finally we no longer listen to how many rings we hear on the telephone to learn if the call is ours on a party line. In fact ,we no longer have to crank the phone to get the operator so she can connect us with another. In fact, we seldom even dial a phone although we do speed dial others. I think I miss listening onto other conversations to keep up with what was going on with the neighbors. These are just a few changes that come to mind right now. Maybe more later. Happy travels.

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